Driving conditions on smaller roads

DWQA QuestionsCategory: Transportation QuestionsDriving conditions on smaller roads
carro61 asked 8 years ago

First I want to thank you for your wonderful website with all the information. 
We are couple in our mid 50’s who love to travel, birding, hiking, snorkeling, learning about local culture. We love exploring the not touristy parts of a country.
For our Costa Rica trip we are flying in to Liberia and renting a car. We are planning on staying two nights in Bagaces, to explore Reserva Biológica Lomas Barbudal  and/or Palo Verde National Park  which one is better for bird watching? the next day we will visit
Palo Verde National Park and Rincon de la Vieja National Park Las Pailas . Then on to Bijagua for two nights visiting Tenorio Volcano National Park and
Volcan Miravalles (I can’t find much about this place)  then driving to Monteverde for three nights…is it possible to take road 927 ?xor from Canas rd 142 through Tilaran then continue with rd 145 and 606 to Monte Verde or are we better off going road 6 then rd 142 over Tilaran then rd 145/606 ? What difference would it make in time/ road condition etc? Is there a website that tells you about current road conditions in Costa Rica. We like to take back roads but not knowing about their conditions it might be tricky.
After Monteverde we are planning on heading out to the coast before we head back on the 28th. Would love to find some non touristy beaches ev birding spots and hopefully visiting The Ara Project
How are the roads down to Punta Islita? Any other good beaches you can recommend was looking into Playa Carrillo, Playa Barrigona, Playa Samara or up north Brasilito area, we need to head that way anyway going back to Liberia. Maybe a few days south and work our way up?

Do you think this is doable or is it to much?  Any suggestions for good birding spots? and road conditions.

I also have a few sugestions I would love to see on your page
A map on the with coordinates for different spots  I have seen other travel sites where they have all their places on their map with coordinates, makes it so much easier.
a off the beaten path page with tips and ideas for places to visit

I am sorry for the long email and all my questions and understand if you don’t have time to answer. If I just could get one  answer  it would be to this question :  How to find out about road conditions in Costa Rica especially the smaller roads…. it would make my travel plans so much easier.

Thank you so much for all you do,

1 Answers
Jenn and Matt Staff answered 8 years ago

Hi Caroline, 
Thanks for your detailed questions. I will address route 927 and Driving to Monteverde in your other question but yes we have a post about Road Conditions that you should check out.
For the other questions. You will likely see more wetland species of birds at Palo Verde than you would at Lomas Barbudal.  About Miravalles, stay tuned for information/posts on that, we are visiting right now! The roads to Punta Islita are dirt but were in fairly good shape the last time we went. 4×4 is definitely recommended. The Ara Project is definitely worth a visit. Working your way north would be a good idea. Also, thanks for the suggestions on our site. We do have a map page and an off-the-beaten-path post or page is a good idea for the future. Hope you have a great trip and see lots of birds!