
Raquel asked 6 years ago

I’m traveling to CR this summer, and are planning to stay for 3 months. I was aware of the 90 days stamp you get at the airport, so I tried to book a return ticket home at the 90th day. But after booking this unrefundable ticket home, I realized the ticket is 1 day to late.. that means it looks like i’m overstaying CR with one day. I’m planning on crossing the border to Panama by bus, and stay there a couple of days. But do you think I will get in trouble at the airport in CR because my return ticket is 1 day too late? (91 days later, instead of 90)
Do you think they will want proof that I’m planning to go to Panama, like a bus ticket or something?

Hope you have time to answer me 🙂 btw your blog is very helpful! Thanks!

1 Answers
Jenn and Matt Staff answered 6 years ago

Hi Raquel, 
The airline could give you a hard time when you try to leave your home country and get on the plane for Costa Rica. What you could do is buy another ticket, but a refundable one, and show them that to make them happy. As for staying longer than 90 days in Costa Rica, this topic recently came up on a Facebook Group here. Many people shared stories of staying longer (some of them for quite a while) without being given a hard time when leaving the country. If you are going to Panama during your trip, that won’t be an issue anyway but it sounded like being 1 day over wouldn’t be an issue. Hope it works out for you and you have a great time.