Manageable trip?

sarahfsummers asked 8 years ago

So I pretty much planned my trip. I was wondering if it seems unreasonable. I fly into SJO Sat night. Wake up sun, rent car and drive to Manuel Antonio. Monday (hopefully) – rafting trip. Tuesday hiking and beach. Wed drive to Monteverde. Stop in Jaco along the way. Thursday bridges and hiking. Fri drive to arenal. Take in whatever I can as i drive around it. sat La fortuna- hiking, water, eat. sun get up early drive to La Pavona to take boat to Tortuguero. Monday tortuguero. Tuesday boat/drive back to San Jose. wed fly out. I don’t mind spending time driving and stopping along the way to enjoy what I see or getting there quicker to enjoy an extra half day in the destination.

1 Answers
Jenn and Matt Staff answered 8 years ago

Hi sarahfsummers, 
That seems like a really ambitious itinerary that might leave you feeling like you are missing things/not able to explore destinations completely. Of course some people don’t mind being on the go so it’s up to you. A couple of ways you could gain extra time are: Take a small plane flight from SJO to MA/Quepos that first morning and rent the car from there. It’s a half hour flight arriving early morning and the rental company we work with and get a discount through can pick you up at the Quepos airport. You can also return the car in La Pavona/Guapiles and then fly back to San Jose from Tortuguero to save time. Otherwise you could take out Monteverde all together and do hanging bridges in La Fortuna. Not cloud forest but still really cool. Have a great trip!