Rental Car and Drive Questions

DWQA QuestionsCategory: Transportation QuestionsRental Car and Drive Questions
firewifelori asked 7 years ago

We are landing in Liberia and plan to rent a car to drive to La Fortuna.  We land at 13:05 how long does it take to clear customs in Costa Rica?  What paper work should we have to rent a car?  Is there an office at airport?  If not can we take a taxi to office?  We are staying in La Fortuna for 4 nights then are travelling to Tamerindo.  We do not need a rental car while in Tamerindo can we drop it off there?  Then should we take shuttle to airport from Tamerindo?  Also because we land at 13;05 will be get to La Fortuna before dark?

Thanks so much looking forward to our first trip to Costa Rica!


1 Answers
Jenn and Matt Staff answered 7 years ago

Hi firewifelori, 
The immigration and customs lines vary depending on how many flights are arriving. Usually it is about an hour or less but sometimes it can get backed up and take longer. None of the car companies have offices right at the airport but they do shuttle you right over to their offices nearby. We recommend Adobe and offer a discount with them on our Rental Car Page. You’ll need a license, passport, credit card, and a letter from your credit card company if you decline one of the insurances (see our page for more info). Landing a 1pm, you shouldn’t have a problem getting to La Fortuna by dark (6pm). You can drop off the car at the Tamarindo/Flamingo office and they can give you a ride to town for free.